#im gonna fucking laugh every time i use my tag for the foreseeable future lmaoooooo
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regina-cordium · 9 months ago
me? responding to a post i got tagged in? wild!
got tagged by @renninflight
Rules: always post the rules. answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write eleven new ones. tag 11 new people and link them to your post. let them know you’ve tagged them
except. i never know who to tag for these. if u see this tagged ur it. ill put questions at the end
under cut, because as yall know im a Yapper
What's your favorite band/musician? (And tell me why! And if you've seen them live!)
I'm a Hozier girlie thru and thru. he was in boston in march AND HAD NOAH KAHN AND I COULDNT GO AND IM STILL SO DISAPPOINTED. A N D HE WAS AT BOSTON CALLING AND I C O U L D N ' T G O auuuuugh
What's something you're proud of?
i dont mean this in, like, a self deprecating way. but i honestly dont know what to say. i got dean's list a couple times in college. i won some kinda award and now my name is on a plaque in the english department, thats kinda dope (i, to this day, have no idea what it was for)
What's something you like about yourself?
i do tell my parents they overestimate how smart i am, but i will say i am p good with trivia/knowing random things. nothing better than getting most of a jeopardy board right (<- needs to go outside more)
What's something you would like to do, if money weren't an obstacle?
i would literally never leave school. i love learning things (see above)
What's something you do when you're anxious or stressed to calm down and relax?
listen to music, sometimes Very Loudly
Do you have a favorite author? (If so, who?)
im totally blanking, but i dont really think so? theres not really an author that i see and immediately go "oh i gotta read ALL of their stuff RIGHT NOW" yknow?
Do you have a favorite poet? (If so, who?)
emily dickinson. yes, i am gay, how'd you know?
Do you have a favorite artist? (You can probably guess the rest of this question!)
van gogh!!!!!!! i know its such a basic bitch answer, but i L O V E the impressionists
What's a movie or TV show that had a big impact on you? (Could be something you watched growing up, a movie you saw recently that made you emotional, something you've seen a lot, something you quote with friends and family, etc)
i would watch beauty and the beast on vhs CONSTANTLY growing up. tv show wise, definitely buffy and angel and charmed. watched them with ma growing up and they have absolutely shaped my interests since then. also, and i swear im not being sarcastic, supernatural. ma and i watched every goddamn episode together since the pilot and look at me now.
What's something you wish you could forget? (Could be something personal, or it could just be a gross or weird fact)
not to get Very Fucking Morbid, but my dad almost died when i was 12 and i'd super love to forget that, actually
What's something you'd like to change about the world?
I Cannot Emphasize Enough That You Should Care About Other People
okay here're my questions. if u got this far, u are doubly tagged. idk i never know who to tag.
Song you've had on repeat lately?
Favorite play/musical (or both!)?
Book/movie/show you think somebody should read/watch to understand you better?
What's your favorite poem?
What's immediately to your left?
Favorite dessert?
Somewhere you'd love to travel, if money/accommodations were no issue?
Tv show currently/last watched?
Do you think aliens are real?
Do you think ghosts are real?
Do you have overly specific requirements for a room when you're trying to sleep?
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